Design of Compact Ultra-Wideband Monopole Semi-Circular Patch Antenna for 5G wireless communication networks

This paper presents , a novel design of semi-circular patch antenna for Ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless communication systems. The monopole is compact with structure size of 25x25 mm and thickness of 1.6 mm. It has been fabricated on a FR-4 substrate with relative permittivity of Ɛr=4.4. The designed antenna has an ultrawide bandwidth, from 3GHz to 11.5 GHz based on -10dB criteria, which covers the entire UWB allocated by FCC for such applications. Also, the design shows high performance in terms of impedance match between feeding line and radiator. Radiation pattern results have been studied at all resonant frequencies (3 GHz to 11.5 GHz) and they have almost omni directional pattern. The monopole has been fabricated and experimentally measured for verification and both simulation and experimental results show good agreement. The overall antenna gain is 1.8 dBi with bandwidth of 125% for UWB. Therefore, the simulated and measured results confirm that the antenna satisfies the requirements for ultra-wideband applications. Design, simulation, and optimization process have been completed using industrial simulation software called High Frequency Structural Simulator (HFSS). Streszczenie. W artykule opisano projekt półokrągłej anteny szerokopasmowej do systemów WiFi. Antena ma powierzchnię 25x25 mm i grubość 1.6 mm. Psamo częstotliwościowe antent jest od 3 GHz do 11.5 GHz. Symulacje I pomiary potwierdziły przydatność tej antny do pasma UWB. Projekt kompaktowej ultra-szerokopasmowej anteny do bezprzewodowej komunikacji 5G