Kentucky Contract Time Determination System

The results of research funded by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KyTC) to develop a new method for determining of construction contract time for its highway construction contracts are reported. The current system in Kentucky was analyzed to determine how a new system could provide better-estimated durations. Current methods of other departments of transportation were analyzed to provide insight for a new system. It was predetermined that a computer system was best suited; however, the development of the system needed input from KyTC engineers with construction experience. A task force of the study advisory committee worked with Kentucky Transportation Center research engineers to develop the basis for the new contract time determination system, called the Kentucky Contract Time Determination System (KY-CTDS). The KY-CTDS program was developed to provide a conceptual estimating tool for prediction of construction contract time for the Kentucky Department of Highways. It makes use of predetermined project classifications and lists major activities that are believed to control the project schedule. Production rates and activity relationships have also been determined and are embedded in the program. Experienced KyTC engineers can make final adjustments using the model. This program uses Microsoft Project 98 and Microsoft Excel, version 7.0, software and operates on a personal computer. It outputs a graphical bar chart schedule to be used only for estimation of contract time for bidding purposes. Program output should also help in resolving construction disputes. The program is not suitable for detailed scheduling of construction operations.