Nuclear Proliferation: A Global Nuclear Strategy

Abstract : Nuclear weapons have been used only once in world history. They are now considered a "wildcard" by the nations that possess them. Recently North Korea conducted a nuclear test in its attempt to gain a wildcard of its own. North Korea's nuclear ambitions are a critical issue for Far East Asia, including Japan. What are North Korea's intentions concerning building and using nuclear weapons? This SRP begins by seeking an answer to this question. The global initiative to halt nuclear proliferation may be forced to change because recently two more countries -- Pakistan and North Korea -- have built nuclear weapons despite the Non-Proliferation-Treaty. We must re-analyze, both strategically and politically, international attempts to prevent acquisition of nuclear weapons. This SRP describes and analyzes Pakistan's and North Korea's successful acquisition of such weapons. According to "The Nuclear Tipping Point: Why States Reconsider Their Nuclear Choices", many countries intended to obtain the nuclear weapons during Cold War era. However, the situation has changed dramatically. No matter who is next to join the nuclear weapons club, it is important that this new member observes reasonable restraint in their strategies for the use of such devastating weapons.