A Nonlinear Input-Output Model of a Multisectored Economy

This paper reports on some mathematical and analytical properties of a static nonlinear model of a national economy or, more generally, of a multisectored economy. The model is a nonlinear version of the well-known linear input-output model of Leontief. Conditions are given for the nonlinear model to be workable in the sense that (i) there is a unique nonnegative vector of output production levels for each nonnegative final-demand vector, and (ii) the vector of output levels depends in a certain reasonable manner on the finaldemand vector. Attention is also focused on several other properties of the model of economic interest. For example, it is shown that propositions completely analogous to the LeChatelier-Samuelson principle in both the weak and strong forms for workable Leontief systems are valid within the context of the nonlinear model.