Characteristics and Distribution of M Cells in Arterially Perfused Canine Left Ventricular Wedge Preparations

Background—Much of the characterization of the M cell to date has been accomplished using isolated tissues and cells. This study uses an arterially perfused wedge preparation to examine the characteristics and distribution of M cells within the anterior wall of the canine left ventricle under more physiological conditions. Methods and Results—Floating microelectrodes were used to record transmembrane action potentials simultaneously from epicardial, M region, and endocardial or subendocardial Purkinje sites in isolated arterially perfused canine left ventricular wedge preparations. A transmural ECG was recorded concurrently. M cells with the longest action potentials were found in the deep subendocardium in wedge preparations isolated from the anterior wall of the left ventricle. Fairly smooth transitions in action potential duration (APD) were observed except in the region between epicardium and deep subepicardium. Tissue resistivity increased 2.8-fold in this region and much more modestly in the deep su...