Starting from the study of the Shepard nonlinear operator of max-prod type by Bede et al. (2006, 2008), in the book by Gal (2008), Open Problem 5.5.4, pages 324–326, the Bernstein max-prod-type operator is introduced and the question of the approximation order by this operator is raised. In recent paper, Bede and Gal by using a very complicated method to this open question an answer is given by obtaining an upper estimate of the approximation error of the form 𝐶𝜔1√(𝑓;1/𝑛) (with an unexplicit absolute constant 𝐶g0) and the question of improving the order of approximation 𝜔1√(𝑓;1/𝑛) is raised. The first aim of this note is to obtain this order of approximation but by a simpler method, which in addition presents, at least, two advantages: it produces an explicit constant in front of 𝜔1√(𝑓;1/𝑛) and it can easily be extended to other max-prod operators of Bernstein type. However, for subclasses of functions 𝑓 including, for example, that of concave functions, we find the order of approximation 𝜔1(𝑓;1/𝑛), which for many functions 𝑓 is essentially better than the order of approximation obtained by the linear Bernstein operators. Finally, some shape-preserving properties are obtained.
Xinlong Zhou,et al.
The Lower Estimate for Linear Positive Operators (II)
Radu Păltănea.
The preservation of the property of the quasiconvexity of higher order by Bernstein's operators
Kaoru Hirota,et al.
Max-Product Shepard Approximation Operators
J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Informatics.
V. Totik.
Sorin G. Gal,et al.
Shape-Preserving Approximation by Real and Complex Polynomials
Martina Danková,et al.
Approximation by pseudo-linear operators
Fuzzy Sets Syst..