The sun at 1.4 GHz: intensity and polarization.

1.4 GHz radio pictures of the sun are presented which were made on 1981 September 26 using the VLA with a resolution of 40 arcsec. Features observed include active regions, limb brightening, coronal holes and filament channels; all correspond well with features seen in H-alpha or He 10830 A, and can be explained as relative enhancements or depressions of free-free brmsstrahlung from the corona and upper transition region. The degree of circular polarization of the radiation from active regions ranges up to 0.2 and the sense corresponds, with a few exceptions, with the polarity of the photospheric magnetograms, even though the 1.4 GHz radiation arises from the corona at a height of 10 to 50 Mm. The polarization is in the sense of the x-mode and is highest near the edges of active regions, whereas the brightness is highest (maximum of 2.2 x 10 to the 6th K) near the line of zero polarization.