RTCM Message Type 59-FKP for transmission of FKP
For GNSS applications the RTK performance can be increased by using area correction parameters (in German: Flachen-Korrektur-Parameter FKP) information from reference station networks. The FKPs provide information about the distance dependent error components. For example, the German AdV organization, responsible for the operation of the SAPOS reference station networks, introduced FKPs as its standard technique to provide network information to any RTK rover.
[1] Martin Schmitz,et al. Network- Based Techniques for RTK Applications , 2001 .
[2] Gerhard Wübbena,et al. Reducing Distance Dependent Errors for Real-Time Precise DGPS Applications by Establishing Reference Station Networks , 1996 .
[3] Gerhard Wübbena. State Space Approach for Precise Real Time Positioning in GPS Reference Networks , 2001 .
[4] Gerhard Wübbena. On the modelling of GNSS observations for high- precision position determination , 2001 .