현대 한국영화에서 프로듀서의 중요성과 역할 연구
Film producers are engaged most actively in film productions, but their functions and roles are not well defined in the film system of Korea. The purpose of this study is to review the practical roles played by the producers within the film production system and thereupon, examine their status in the film community and thereby, determine their genuine values and recognition as well as their roles within the film industry. The recent trend is that the industrial aspect of the film is highlighted, while producers' roles and functions begin to be reinstated gradually. Producers positioned in the center of the transition of the Korean film from arts film to industrial film must be a core manpower for the film industry representing nation's growing, high value-added industries in the 21st century. So, producers' roles should be understood in the same context as those of the industrial film. To be so, it is deemed necessary to determine producers' roles and titles different or redundant among film production companies and thereby, identify the most ideal model to streamline them into a uniform system. Then, producers' unique roles would be reinstated, while their job would be professionalized. In addition, it is necessary to operate a system fostering professional producers. To do so, the current education system needs to be reformed, and at the same time, an internship program connected with the private schools should be operated to recruit able producers.