Power Technology for Application-Specific Scenarios of High Altitude Airships

The High Altitude Airship (HAA) has various potential applications and mission scenarios that require onboard energy harvesting and power distribution systems. The energy source considered for HAAs is solar photon energy that allows the use of either photovoltaic (PV) cells or advanced thermoelectric (ATE) converters. Both PV cells and an ATE system were briefly compared to identify the advantages of ATE for HAA applications in this study. Utilizing the estimated high efficiency of a three-staged ATE in a tandem mode, the ATE generates a higher quantity of harvested energy than PV cells for mission scenarios. When the ATE performance figure of merit of 5 is considered, the cascaded efficiency of a three-staged ATE system approaches an overall efficiency greater than 60%. Based on this estimated efficiency, the configuration of a HAA and the power utility modules are defined.