Sustainability Assessment of Products: A Comparative Study of Sustainability Assessment Tools

The number of existing tools, principles and approaches to assess sustainability in products is growing to meet industry and society needs. For those related to design and development in universities, research institutes and companies it is a fundamental issue to recognize features and details of the sustainability assessment tools in order to select the one that best fits their particular needs. This paper describes the outcomes of a product sustainability assessment carried out at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, UNAM. The approach followed by the authors in this assessment was aimed at comparing the results provided by a set of software tools and a previous sustainability integrated-criteria tool developed by the research group.The main contribution of this paper is the insight on the software tools used and on the results of the assessment since the design point of view. The results of the assessment included metrics such as: carbon footprint, energy use, end of life potential, toxicity, eco-toxicity, human toxicity, recyclability, and others. In the first part of the paper, an introduction of the criteria and the software based tools for sustainability assessment used by the authors is presented. Then a justification of the tools used and an explanation on how the comparison was achieved are given. The product used as a case study and the results of its sustainability assessment are presented. The case study part is a home appliance subsystem. In the end of the paper conclusions, insights and further work are given.Copyright © 2014 by ASME