Due to the effect of indoor coverage problem, the QoS of the indoor users will be degraded dramatically, with the number of indoor users. The femto cell is a popular solution for such problems. Since the price of the femto base station is usually cheap enough, one can sets up huge number of base stations in a small indoor area to reduce the size of communication cell. In this way, the QoS of the indoor users can be improved significantly. Moreover, the data rate can also be increased. However, how to decide an ideal transmitting power according to the surrounding radio environment is not a trivial problem, that still has not been addressed well. If the transmit power of femto base station is too large, the interference to the macro users will be increased. Conversely, if the transmit power of femto base station is too small; the coverage of femto base station will be reduced. To address this problem, we propose a power configuration method in femto base station using Genetic Algorithm by investigating a new fitness function. Furthermore, we adopt the weighted sum approach to improve the user performance in different modes. The simulation results show that the proposed power configuration method can not only improves the downlink SINR, but also enhance the channel capacity for both the Macro cell systems and Femto cell systems compared with some conventional methods.
Young Min Kim,et al.
Cognitive Radio Software Testbed using Dual Optimization in Genetic Algorithm
2008 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CrownCom 2008).
Holger Claussen,et al.
Effects of User-Deployed, Co-Channel Femtocells on the Call Drop Probability in a Residential Scenario
2007 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications.
Jeffrey G. Andrews,et al.
Uplink capacity and interference avoidance for two-tier femtocell networks
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
박남훈 김영진 펨토셀시스템연구팀 김준식.
펨토셀 기술 동향
John H. Holland,et al.
Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems: An Introductory Analysis with Applications to Biology, Control, and Artificial Intelligence