Sustainable Transport System: A Wheel Based Interactive Information Installation

Sustainable Transport System is an interactive wheel based information installation where users can watch the information projected on the wheel with a narration. Its information consists of 9 questions that are related with road transport systems ranging from 'The history of road traffic' to 'How will the sustainable traffic system evolve in the future'? The circular interface was used to show information in a pie chart, diagram and history of wheel. This interface contains the meaning of sustainable circulation. The modalities of the project are Vision, Sonic, and Touch. A potentiometer sensor is mounted onto the center of wheel, which is linked with Flash action script through Arduino as the technical method. The user enables the information to be navigated by rotating the wheel clockwise from No.1 to No.9 and counterclockwise from No.9 to No.1. CHI attendees can experience the information ranging from history of road transport to necessity of sustainable transport system easily, interestingly and engagingly.