Statistical Physics and Spatial Statistics: The Art Of Analyzing And Modeling Spatial Structures And Pattern Formation

Spatial Statistics and Point Processes.- Basic Ideas ofSpatial Statistics.- Stationary Models in Stochastic Geometry - Palm Distributions as Distributions of Typical Elements. An Approach Without Limits.- Statistical Analysis of Large-Scale Structure in the Universe.- Dynamics ofStructure Formation in Thin Liquid Films: A Special Spatial Analysis.- Integral Geometry and Morphology of Patterns.- Mixed Measures and Inhomogeneous Boolean Models.- Additivity, Convexity, and Beyond: Applications of Minkowski Functionals in Statistical Physics.- Considerations About the Estimation ofthe Size Distribution in Wicksell's Corpuscle Problem.- Local Porosity Theory and Stochastic Reconstruction for Porous Media.- Stochastic Models as Tools for the Analysis of Decomposition and Crystallisation Phenomena in Solids.- Phase Transitions and Simulations of Hard Particles.- Phase Transition and Percolation in Gibbsian Particle Models.- Fun with Hard Spheres.- Finite Packings and Parametric Density.- A Primer on Perfect Simulation.- Grand Canonical Simulations ofHard-Disk Systems by Simulated Tempering.- Dynamic Triangulations for Granular Media Simulations.