Use of free software in mathematics classes and presenting the results of the research

Does the technical equipment of the classrooms bring better results in mastering the teaching program by the students? To answer this question we conducted a research which will be presented in this paper, and will determine the quality of knowledge which the students get, when learning the topic “Construction of triangle and quadrangle”, with use of free software Geogebra and informatics / mathematics approach, by comparing the achieved results on the diagnostic and the final test, of the experimental and the control group. The experimental group of students is learning the topic with use of free software and constructions made on computer, and the control group on classic way with ruler and caliper and constructions made in notebook. By now, this kind of research was successfully made on one generation of students. Now with the use of online tests we are expanding the research on new generation of students. The results that we will get from the research, we will summarize in statistical tests, which can help to compare the results obtained on the testing between the two groups of students, and also to compare with the results obtained from the past researches.