White Sands Missile Range 2007 Urban Study: Data Processing - Volume DP-1 (Sonic Calibration)

Abstract : Calibrating sensors is an important step in determining the confidence one has in the quality of data acquired. Without access to a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) wind tunnel facility, side-by-side relative calibration (against a NIST calibrated sensor) is an alternate method for calibrating meteorological sensors. For the White Sands Missile Range 2007 Urban Study (W07US), a Pre- and Post-W07US calibration was conducted on the 27 ultrasonic anemometers (sonics) slated for the W07US project. This technical report documents the W07US relative calibration design, calibration data processing method, implementation, results , and some of the lessons learned from the Pre- and Post-W07US calibration project.