Химико-фармацевтическая и биологическая стандартизация липосомальной лекарственной формы противоопухолевого фотосенсибилизатора тиосенса

Dye family of naphthalocyanines and their relatives are potent photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy of tumors. One of the best photosensitizers in this series is tiosens – the original domestic product, created by FGUP GNC “NIOPIK”. It is hydrophobic aluminum hydroxide tetra-3-phenylthiophthalocyanine absorbing in a infrared spectral range (absorption maximum at 717 nm). With the purpose of targeted delivery tiosens in a tumor and overcoming of insufficient solubility of liposomal form is developed. Experiments revealed the preservation of physical and chemical properties and high photodynamic activity of the liposomal photosensitizer for the duration of storage. References Krasnopol'skij Ju.M., Stepanov A.E., Shvec V.I. / Biofarm. zh. 2009. №3. P.18-29. Mishra B., Patel B.B., Tiwari S. / Nanomed. Nanotechnol., Biol., Med. 2010. V. 6. P. 9–24. Meerovich I.G., Oborotova N.A. / Ros. bioterapevt. zh. 2007. №4. P.3-8. Allison R.R., Sibata C.H. / Photodiag. Photodyn. Ther. 2010. V. 7. P.61-75. Meerovich I.G, Smirnova Z.S., Oborotova N.A. / Bul. Exper. Biol. Med. 2005. V.139. P.427-430.