This study is dedicated to the learning process to help students to deal with the complexity of a Lighting Design Project. In the Department of Electrical Engineering, preference was given to applying methods integrating technology in the learning and then evaluating the outcomes. Problem-based learning (PBL) was used as an instructional strategy of active learning, and adapted for use in Lighting Design course. In cooperative learning, students work together in small groups in an organized way, on a well-ordered activity. They are individually responsible for their work; on the other hand, the work of the group as a whole is also assessed. Teams need to be small enough so that everyone can play a part. And the students' work must be clearly defined. By applying PBL it is expected that students work in a cooperative and collaborative learning way, developing positive interdependence, individual accountability, face-to-face promotive interaction, as well as group processing. Students see the potential of the method. PBL addresses many of the concerns of teachers and professional organizations. Above all, it encourages students to be in charge of their education. It emphasizes critical thinking skills, understanding, learning how to learn, and working cooperatively with others. The benefits of PBL in the Lighting Design course are seen in the way students improved the study and analysis of a Lighting Design project. This method can also be seen as a benefit for Electrical Engineering programme where educators strive for improved teaching and learning.
E. Tetri.
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