SatelLight: A WWW server which provides high quality daylight and solar radiation data for Western and Central Europe

«Satellight» was a 3 year-European research program (Jan. 1996-March 1999) with the objective of making available on Internet a database of solar radiation and daylight for Western and Central Europe. The data was obtained by processing the information provided by the Meteosat satellite every 30 minutes. We first developed and validated models to derive radiation and daylight data on ground from the satellite measurements. Then we produced two years of data: 1996 and 1997, and made it accessible via a web server. The server is currently in beta testing, its address is , a page is provided if you want to become a beta tester. It provides statistics on the direct, diffuse and global illuminances or irradiances, on horizontal or tilted plane, for various zones in Europe (including the Balkans) or for specific locations.