Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Rotation Forest Ensemble Technique with Different Decision Trees in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China

This study presents a new ensemble framework to predict landslide susceptibility by integrating decision trees (DTs) with the rotation forest (RF) ensemble technique. The proposed framework mainly includes four steps. First, training and validation sets are randomly selected according to historical landslide locations. Then, landslide conditioning factors are selected and screened by the gain ratio method. Next, several training subsets are produced from the training set and a series of trained DTs are obtained by using a DT as a base classifier couple with different training subsets. Finally, the resultant landslide susceptibility map is produced by combining all the DT classification results using the RF ensemble technique. Experimental results demonstrate that the performance of all the DTs can be effectively improved by integrating them with the RF ensemble technique. Specifically, the proposed ensemble methods achieved the predictive values of 0.012–0.121 higher than the DTs in terms of area under the curve (AUC). Furthermore, the proposed ensemble methods are better than the most popular ensemble methods with the predictive values of 0.005–0.083 in terms of AUC. Therefore, the proposed ensemble framework is effective to further improve the spatial prediction of landslides.