Subslab or shallow soil-gas data are often compared with indoor air concentration data in vapor intrusion (VI) evaluations. If no indoor air data are available or confounding sources are present, or if future scenarios are considered, the soilgas data may be used to estimate the indoor air concentrations due to VI. The typical approach in risk assessments is to use the 95th percentile values from a set of concentration data. For VI studies, however, this rarely is an option because the data sets tend to be quite small. Therefore, various guidance documents urge the use of maximum soil-gas values. This may be reasonable for small residential buildings, but can lead to very conservatively biased estimates if applied to large industrial buildings with localized areas of contamination, especially given that the sampling locations may not be randomly selected and instead are biased toward worst-case locations. By this approach, VI guidance implicitly tolerates a large percentage of false positive decision errors to minimize the number of false negative decision errors. In this paper, implications of using maximum values are discussed and illustrated with data sets from a number of large industrial buildings at various sites. An alternative approach to using maximum soil-gas values is proposed that serves to reduce the number of false positive results while controlling the number of false negatives to an acceptable level.
Hal Levin,et al.
Volatile organic compounds in indoor air: A review of concentrations measured in North America since 1990
Andrew K. Persily,et al.
Analysis of Ventilation Data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Building Assessment Survey and Evaluation (BASE) Study
B. Eklund,et al.
Concentration of Tetrachloroethylene in Indoor Air at a Former Dry Cleaner Facility as a Function of Subsurface Contamination: A Case Study
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.
S. Davis,et al.
S S Stevens,et al.
On the Theory of Scales of Measurement.