Sorting by natural selection

(.oPlm*Sq~ @ 1972 Ass,:~:iaIion for Compa~isg .Ma~:hinery, Inc. Ge~efal ~:~e~missioa to republish, 5e~ ne~ for prot}L al{ or par1 of ~his materia~ g N~am~J, grr(B,'ided tha~ refe:re~vce >~ made to gNs pab[ica.tion~ ~o i~co; da~.e .of ~LSsue, and to ghe faac2 ~ha[ refx"~nting prM~eges v4ere ga~ed b:, ~yer:mixs~o~ of ~he A:¢~x~ation for Corn putiBg Maehiner).z A.ughofs' ad@ess~ IBM Thomas J, Watson Re:>:arch (/ester, P~O. ~:~:~ 218, Yc~rk~own kkighet. NY 10598~