Megaloblastic Anaemia of Infancy

and P.A.S. gave very good results in a large number of cases of endobronchial tuberculosis. The six cases of this condition treated with streptomycin and sulphone, however, produced only one satisfactory result; two showed considerable improvement and two slight improvement; and one patient, whose strain showed reduced sensitivity before treatment, was unimproved. Complications.-The only serious complication encountered was haemolytic anaemia, which was present in three of the six patients who received a daily dose of 200 mg. or more of D.D.S. One of these showed a drop of over two million red cells per in a fortnight. After a short interval (two weeks) treatment was resumed on the reduced dosage scheme, and the haemoglobin slowly improved. In spite of iron administration throughout there was an average drop of 10% haemoglobin in the 22 patients. Methaemalbumin was present in the blood in three of the high-dosage cases, and the violet coloration of the skin associated with this substance was observed in two further cases.