A method for calculating the two-dimensional (2-D) velocity vector flow field from color flow Doppler ultrasound images obtained from two or three steering angles has been recently demonstrated. Various strategies for calculating 2-D vectors from noise-corrupted images obtained at multiple angles are described and compared in the present work. This was achieved by using some simple computer flow simulation models to generate color flow images for various beam steering angles. Velocity vectors were calculated for the entire image, and the vectors are displayed at selected points by superimposing them on a magnitude image. It is shown that such displays help improve the qualitative understanding of images obtained from vessels with complex flow geometry. The bias and variance of four reconstruction methods are compared for stimulated laminar flow in a tube. Based on the simulation results, it was found that the dominant factor that affects the reconstruction accuracy is the angle between the observation directions, and that a simple two component method generally gives as good a performance as the more complex alternatives that were studied.
R. Cobbold,et al.
Quantitative study of steady flow using color Doppler ultrasound.
Ultrasound in medicine & biology.
W. M. Gardiner,et al.
Three-dimensional Doppler velocimetry of flow jets
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
Ultrasound pulse Doppler tomography
IEEE 1988 Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings..
D. Cathignol,et al.
Study of vector flow estimation with transverse Doppler
IEEE 1991 Ultrasonics Symposium,.
Tadashi Tamura,et al.
Determination of 2-D velocity vectors using color Doppler ultrasound
IEEE Symposium on Ultrasonics.
H. Ermert,et al.
Phased array pulse Doppler tomography
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Bruce Ronald McAvoy.
IEEE 1988 Ultrasonics Symposium proceedings