Efficiency of Non-label Optical Biosensors for the Express Control of Toxic Agents in Food

This chapter is devoted to the analysis of the efficiency of a different types of the immune biosensors for the control of toxic agents among of environmental objects, The main attention is paid to the non-labeled immune biosensors and, in particular, optical ones. Among them the immune biosensors based on the porous silicon (PS), surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and total reflection internal ellipsometry (TIRE) are detailed considered. In additional to, the immune biosensors based on calorimeter and thermistors as well as on the piezocristals are described. As model of toxic elements the synthetic chemicals as pesticides and nonylethoxylates as well as the nature biological substances, in particularly, a number of mycotoxins: T2, aflatoxins, patulin and others are used. It is necessary, to underline that the analysis was fulfilled with the model solutions and with real samples: some corn, vegetables and fruits. At the end of the chapter the perspectives of the developed instrumental analytical devices based on the principles of biosensorics are analyzed. Especially it draws attention to the development of multi-parameter portable biosensors based on the basis of the nano-structured porous silicon (nano-PS) from one side and on the artificial selective template surface, calyx(4)arenas and aptamers.

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