Biomarkers in Lung Diseases : from Pathogenesis to Prediction to New Therapies Cord blood-derived endothelial colony-forming cell function is disrupted in congenital diaphragmatic hernia

Hideshi Fujinaga, Hiroko Fujinaga, Nobuyuki Watanabe, Tomoko Kato, Moe Tamano, Miho Terao, Shuji Takada, Yushi Ito, Akihiro Umezawa, and Masahiko Kuroda Department of Molecular Pathology, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan; Department of Reproductive Biology, National Institute for Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan; Division of Neonatology, Center for Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, National Center for Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan; Department of Human Genetics, National Institute for Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan; and Department of Systems BioMedicine, National Institute for Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan

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