Test plan and technical protocol for bioslurping

Bioslurping is a new dynamic technology designed to efficiently recover free-floating petroleum hydrocarbons (free product) from the subsurface while simultaneously enhancing natural biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the vadose zone. Bioslurping is a vacuum-enhanced fluids-pumping technology that simultaneously extracts groundwater, free product, and soil gas in the same process stream. The US Air Force has initiated a multisite program to evaluate the widespread application of bioslurping at free-product-contaminated Air Force sites. The Air Force Bioslurper Initiative is designed to assess the field application of the bioslurping technology at 23 Air Force sites. The field studies are designed to evaluate the efficacy of bioslurping for the recovery of free-floating fuel (free product) and to evaluate the potential for bioventing to enhance natural biodegradation of petroleum contaminants. The technical approach for conducting the bioslurper pilot tests includes assessing the geologic and hydrologic characteristics of each site, free-product baildown testing in site monitoring wells, soil gas analysis, and a bioslurper pump test. The efficiency of bioslurping is compared to that of conventional skimming and dual-pump free-product recovery technologies. Bioventing potential is assessed via in situ respiration testing.