Effect of Ballasting and Changing of Angles Disk Offset on Performance of Tractors

The important indicators in the energy consumption for tillage tractor's overall energy efficiency. For accurate measurement and same time these factors and other factors affecting it, Initially MF 399 is equipped to types sensors and the data collection units so that the parameters such as fuel consumption rate, Slip rear wheels and energy efficiency of the tractor during operation of discs. The using a factorial experiment that factors include: Field conditions (tilled T and not tilled NT), Ballasting (ballasting and UN ballasting) and the angles of disk offset (41 and 46) in the factorial experiment with three replications were conducted. After the data analysis was performed using Duncan's multiple range tests. According to the results obtained the highest overall energy efficiency 16.52% for non- plowing land with the ballasting and the lowest 12.92% the overall energy efficiency of a plowed field without the ballasting. The maximum and minimum slip rear wheel was 27.96% and 6.19%.