Voice recognition software versus a traditional transcription service for physician charting in the ED.

This study was conducted to compare real-time voice recognition software to a traditional transcription service. Two emergency department (ED) physicians dictated 47 charts using a voice dictation software program and a traditional transcription service. Accuracy, word per minute dictation time and turnaround time were calculated from the data. The transcription service used in our study was more accurate than the voice recognition program with an accuracy of 99.7 percent versus 98.5 percent for the voice recognition program. The average number of corrections per chart was 2.5 for the voice recognition program and 1.2 for the traditional transcription service. Turnaround time was much better using the computer voice recognition program with an average turnaround time of 3.65 minutes versus a turnaround time of 39.6 minutes for the traditionally transcribed charts. The charts dictated using the voice recognition program were considerably less costly than the manually transcribed charts. In summary, computer voice recognition is nearly as accurate as traditional transcription, it has a much shorter turnaround time and is less expensive than traditional transcription. We recommend its use as a tool for physician charting in the ED.