The Carpathians: Integrating Nature and Society Towards Sustainability

The Carpathian Mountains: challenges for the Central and Eastern European landmark.- Science for the Carpathians: using regional capacity to cope with global change.- Progress in understanding the dynamics of Carpathian abiotic environment.- Progress in understanding the dynamics of Carpathian abiotic environment.- Landslide susceptibility assessment: GIS application to a complex mountainous environment.- GIS evaluation of erosion-sedimentation risk caused by extreme convective rainstorms: case study of the Stonavka River catchment, Czech Republic.- Assessment of the impact of agricultural land utilization practices on soil losses.- The effects of climate change on element content and soil pH (Sikfokut DIRT Project, northern Hungary).- Climate changes in the vertical zones of the Polish Carpathians in the last 50 years.- Air temperature variability in the High Tatra Mountains.- Climate trends in the Slovak part of the Carpathians.