This paper is concerned with certain aspects of the problem of discriminating between two Gaussian processes. The emphasis is on determining approximate optimum detector structures which avoid some of the mathematical difficulties inherent in the evaluation of the exact optimum detector structure. To this end, an approach termed the "inverse operator" approach is presented which leads to approximate detector structures via the Neumann series expansion of linear operator theory. These approximate detectors are found by using a finite number of terms in an "optimun detector" expansion which results from the use of the above Neumann series expansion. A sufficient condition for the rapid convergence of the optimum detector expansion is found to be that the eigenvalues of a certain operator have magnitudes much less than unity. An upper bound is derived for the error incurred at the detector output by the use of a finite number of terms in the optimum detector expansion. Error probabilities are calculated for the case in which the detector outputs may be assumed approximately normally distributed. From an output "signal-to-noise" ratio point of view, it is shown that the performance of the optimum detector and approximate detectors will differ negligibly if the above eigenvalues have squared magnitudes much less than unity. Some upper bounds are derived for the largest eigenvalue (magnitude).
George L Turin,et al.
Communication through noisy, random-multipath channels
David Middleton.
On new classes of matched filters and generalizations of the matched filter concept
IRE Trans. Inf. Theory.
U. Grenander.
Stochastic processes and statistical inference
G. Turin.
Error Probabilities for Binary Symmetric Ideal Reception through Nonselective Slow Fading and Noise
Proceedings of the IRE.
David Middleton,et al.
On the detection of stochastic signals in additive normal noise-I
IRE Trans. Inf. Theory.
Thomas Kailath,et al.
Correlation detection of signals perturbed by a random channel
IRE Trans. Inf. Theory.
Robert Price,et al.
Optimum detection of random signals in noise, with application to scatter-multipath communication-I
IRE Trans. Inf. Theory.
David Middleton,et al.
On singular and nonsingular optimum (Bayes) tests for the detection of normal stochastic signals in normal noise
IRE Trans. Inf. Theory.
G. Szegő.
Beiträge zur Theorie der Toeplitzschen Formen