Analysis of the Chicken GPAT/AIRC Bidirectional Promoter for de Novo Purine Nucleotide Synthesis (*)

GPAT and AIRC encode two enzymes that catalyze steps 1 and 6 plus 7, respectively, of the de novo purine biosynthetic pathway. The chicken genes are closely linked and divergently transcribed from an 230-base pair intergenic region. The promoter was scanned by deletion mutagenesis in a bireporter vector that allowed assay of transcriptional activity in both directions in transfected HepG2 and chicken LMH cells. Three classes of deletions were obtained: those affecting bidirectional transcription, those predominantly affecting GPAT transcription, and those predominantly affecting AIRC transcription. Defects in bidirectional transcription resulted from removal of an initiator-like element overlapping the AIRC transcription start site, as well as deletions removing a series of GC and CCAAT boxes from the AIRC proximal half of the promoter and a CCAAT-containing segment from the GPAT side. Several regions in the GPAT proximal half of the promoter, including an octamer-like motif downstream from the transcription start site, were required predominantly for GPAT expression. Evidence for interaction of HeLa nuclear proteins with some of these sites was obtained by gel retardation, DNase I, and methylation interference assays. Overall, the results showed that the intergenic region is an integrated bidirectional promoter and that a novel initiator-like element plays a central role in coordinating expression of the divergently transcribed AIRC and GPAT genes.

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