Multi-axis Path Planning for Hybrid Plasma Deposition and Milling Based on Slicing Characteristics

Hybrid Plasma Deposition and Milling (HPDM), a new kind of Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) technology which couples additive and subtractive processes into a single workstation, is a very effective and efficient method of fabricating metal parts directly from their digital models. Similar to many other SFF technologies, complex parts with overhang structure are often difficult to fabricate without support. A novel strategy adopted in HPDM is presented in which all kinds of parts are classified into several basic types or their combination. Each part with basic type has its own solution to fabricate. Two solutions including Direct Three-axis and Multi-axis Synchronous have been adopted to treat with different kinds of parts. The model of complex part, after preprocessing, is divided into several subparts each of which belongs to a basic type and the fabrication of complex part can be achieved by manufacturing each subpart one after another in a proper sequence. The robotic system is utilized due to its flexibility in multi-axis manufacturing process. The overhang classification is based on its slicing characteristics which are elaborated in this article.