Laboratory Facilities and Measurement Techniques for Beamed‐Energy‐Propulsion Experiments in Brazil

Laser propulsion is an innovative concept of accessing the space easier and cheaper where the propulsive energy is beamed to the aerospace vehicle in flight from ground—or even satellite‐based high‐power laser sources. In order to be realistic about laser propulsion, the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Brazilian Air Force in cooperation with the United States Air Force and the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute are seriously investigating its basic physics mechanisms and engineering aspects at the Henry T. Hamamatsu Laboratory of Hypersonic and Aerothermodynamics in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. This paper describes in details the existing facilities and measuring systems such as high‐power laser devices, pulsed‐hypersonic wind tunnels and high‐speed flow visualization system currently utilized in the laboratory for experimentation on laser propulsion.