Data Communications Performance of AOCDL and AUTOMET Over a VDL Mode 2 Link

Airline Operational Control Data Link (AOCDL) is a service that allows for downlink of in-flight data to help an airline operate efficiently. Automated Meteorological Transmission (AUTOMET) is a weather reporting system that provides forecasts and atmospheric conditions to pilots during flight. These are two examples of new or extended services that will be enabled by implementation of the ATN and its digital air/ground communications data links. One of the possible data links identified for these services is VDL Mode 2. This research focuses on the data link performance of AOCDL and AUTOMET services in a 2015 scenario using VDL Mode 2 as the data link. In the near term, it is expected that the Controller-Pilot Data Link Communication (CPDLC) and Decision Support System Data Link (DSSDL) services will also use the VDL Mode 2 link. CPDLC and DSSDL are high-priority services that communicate aircraft control information and require low end-to-end delays for safety. VDL Mode 3, which is the preferred link for these services because it provides priority-based link access, will not be deployed in time for earlier implementations of these services to use. As such, the research also investigates the impact of CPDLC and DSSDL services on the same VDL link as AOCDL and AUTOMET. Performance of these services over the data link will be separately examined for the airport, terminal, and en route domains. OPNET simulations are performed for each domain. The number of aircraft for each domain is representative of the expected peak aircraft in 2015. Results are collected during a steady-state condition, with aircraft neither entering nor exiting the domain. The study explores the services in terms of the traffic load they present to the VDL Mode 2 radio. The amount of load each service contributes to the data link will be shown for each domain. The end-to-end delays for each service will be discussed. Data link metrics such as subnetwork and queuing delays, channel utilization, and protocol overhead will be used to show the impact of these services on VDL Mode 2. All results will be presented both with and without the inclusion of CPDLC and DSSDL services.