Relationships between cellulose decomposition, Jenny's k, forest-floor nitrogen, and soil temperature in Alaskan taiga forests

Forest-floor decomposition is compared among 16 Alaskan taiga forest stands. These include black spruce (Piceamariana (Mill.) B.S.P.), white spruce (Piceaglauca (Moench) Voss), and birch (Betulapapyrifera Marsh.), aspen {Populustremuloides Michx.), and balsam poplar (Populusbalsamifera L.) types, spanning a wide range in decomposition rates, forest-floor microclimates, and litter quality. Jenny's index of decomposition rate, k, is reasonably well correlated with annual cellulose (filter-paper) decomposition differences among stands. Both estimates of decomposition rate are correlated with forest-floor heat sum and forest-floor nitrogen concentration. These between-site correlations support inferences based upon experimental work claiming that temperature and forest-floor chemical quality have a major influence upon the level of decomposition in a particular stand. Inferences about the factors regulating decomposition rate around an average level within one stand cannot legitimately be made from the same c...