Acute Toxicity of Cypermethrin on the Great Sturgeon (Huso huso) Juveniles

The acute toxicity of cypermethrin to Great sturgeon (Huso huso) juveniles was assessed in a static renewal bioassay for 96h. In addition, behavioral changes at each cypermethrin concentration were observed for the individual fish. Results of the present study indicate that cypermethrin is highly toxic to H. huso. The 24, 48, 72 and 96 h LC values of cypermethrin for Great sturgeon juveniles were estimated at 6.860, 4.751, 2.677 50 and 0.952 µg/L, respectively. Obtained data from the cypermethrin acute toxicity tests were evaluated using the probit analysis statistical method. carpio), 1.2 µg/L for brown trout (Salmo trutta), 0.5 µg/L Cypermethrin (a-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl ester of 2 , Scardinius erythropthalmus and 2.2 µg/L for Tilapia 2- dimethyl-3-(2, 2-dichlorovinyl)-2-2-dimethyl nilotica. cyclopropane carboxylate) is a synthetic pyrethroid The Caspian Sea is the biggest land-locked body of insecticide widely used for pest control programs in water bordered by five countries: Azerbaijan, Iran, the domestic, industrial and agricultural situations. The low Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. There effect of toxicity of pyrethroid insecticides on mammals are several important fisheries in the Caspian Sea, but the and birds and their limited soil persistence has greatest emphasis has always been placed on the encouraged the widespread and increasing use o f sturgeons. The sturgeons (Acipenseridae) are an ancient pyrethroids in agriculture, as potent agents against pests group of chondrostean fish with fossil records dating (1). Unfortunately, application of these synthetic back to the lower Jurassic period. Several anthropogenic derivatives of pyrethrins is highly toxic to a number of factors, including both land-based and offshore pollution, non-target organisms such as bees (2), freshwater fish threaten the survival of all fisheries, but especially and other aquatic organisms even at very low sturgeon populations in the Caspian Sea (5). Among concentration. Indiscriminate discharge of these these, chemical contamination seems to be one of th e pesticides from agricultural runoff and in aquacultur e most significant factors influencing the population of operation may be washed into nearby water bodies and sturgeons in the Caspian Sea (6). Great sturgeon (H. huso) affects non-target organisms such as fish and prawn is one of the most important species of sturgeon in th e which are of great economics importance to humans (3). Caspian Sea. The present study was performed t o Among the aquatic animals fish are highly sensitive to determine acute toxicity of cypermethrin, a syntheti c the pyrethroids pesticides due to their neurotoxic effects pyrethroid pesticide and evaluated behavioral changes and the pesticides are lethal to fish at a minimum of great sturgeon juveniles exposed to different concentration (10-1000 lower) than the corresponding concentrations.