Modern incorporated communications, converging voice, data, and multimedia onto a single network platform, is a technology that has received increasing attention through the past several years. A considerable time and analysis is dedicated to the evaluation of a range of IP communication systems before the assigning to a major purchase. However, relatively little attention is paid to the post-deployment issues, e.g. ongoing service support. New technology basically requires a new support model. The purpose of this paper is to examine the new service support model emerging for converged communications applications, define features and functionalities, and discuss an example of a support excellence. As a next step, we examine and evaluate here an analytical model extracted from queuing theory, namely M/G/1, for the possible implementation into multi-service converged network architecture in order to process effectively heterogeneous calls
J. F. Meyer,et al.
Probabilistic modeling
Mike Tanner.
Practical Queueing Analysis
S. Wittevrongel,et al.
Queueing Systems
Introduction to Stochastic Processes and Simulation.
Michael K. Molloy.
Fundamentals of Performance Modeling
SIGMETRICS Perform. Evaluation Rev..
G. G. Stokes.
The New Yale Book of Quotations.
Brunilde Sansò,et al.
A Typology for Multi-Technology, Multi-Service Broadband Network Synthesis
Telecommun. Syst..