Tests on longitudinally stiffened plate panels (effect of residual stresses and rotational restraint by stiffeners), July 1962
A description of a series of six tests conducted on longitudinally stiffened plate panels during 1960 and 1961 is presented. This program is a continuation of the tests described in Fri tz Laboratory Report No. 248.4.~} The test""" specimens were scale models of typical ship bottom plating. The tests were conducted to investigate the strength of stiffened plate panels as influenced by the following para= metersgthe degree of rotational restraint furnished by the stiffeners~ and residual stresses. The test results are given in the form of curves and tables. The individual test readings are compiled in a • supplementary volume Fritz Engineering Laboratory Report The conclusions for the specimen dimensions and loading used are"g a) The degree of restraint furnished by the stiffeners was found to have some effect on the buckling strain of the plates with b/t"= 40 = the stress was equal to the yield stress. b) Welding residual stresses reduced the axial strength ~ of the stiffened panels by about 13 percent. ( ) 'ilOstapenko ~ A. ~ and T. Lee~ TESTS ON LONGITUDINALLY STIFFENED PLATE PANELS SUBJECTED TO LATERAL AND AXIAL LOA.DING~" Fri tz »1gineering LaboratoryReport~ August 1960.