XPORT: extensible profile-driven overlay routing trees
XPORT is a profile-driven distributed data collection and dissemination system that supports an extensible set of data types, profiles, and optimization metrics. XPORT efficiently builds a generic tree-based overlay network, which can be customized per application using a small number of methods that encapsulate application-specific data-profile matching, aggregation, and optimization logic. The clean separation between the "plumbing" and "application" enables XPORT to uniformly and easily support disparate dissemination-based applications such as content-based feed dissemination and application-level multicast. We propose to demonstrate the basic XPORT system, featuring its extensible optimization framework that facilitates easy specification of a wide range of useful performance goals and a continuous, adaptive optimization model to achieve these goals under changing network and application conditions. We will use two different underlying applications, an RSS feed dissemination application and a multiplayer network game, along with visual system-monitoring tools to illustrate the extensibility and the operational aspects of XPORT.
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