Application of modern teaching techniques in the educational process

Today students are using computers, cell phones and other electronic devices to communicate and to access information. New technologies fundamentally changed the way they interact with knowledge so the traditional approach to learning and teaching is no longer sufficient. In order to make the learning environment more interactive and enable students to learn easier and faster, modern teaching techniques need to be applied. There are many different teaching techniques that have emerged from the integration of technology in education such as: flipped teaching, whole brain teaching, gamification, social media, etc. Flipped teaching encourages students to study the course material before class by using readings, pre-recorded video lectures or research assignments. Class time is reserved for active learning strategies. Whole brain teaching helps stimulate both sides of the brain and emphasizes active learning in which students repeat core information and practice basic skills through humor and games. Gamification is a game-based learning technique that allows students learning through the use of games. Nowadays students are always connected to some social network. These students are easily motivated to engage with social media in the classroom. Experience from the School of Electrical Engineering in Zagreb shows that the use of different modern teaching techniques is making learning interesting and teaching more effective.