The cystic swellings of scrotum are one among the common surgical problem in all age group. Objective of this study is to identify the cause, mode of presentation, various modalities of management and outcome of these with least complications. A total of 50 cases of cystic swellings of scrotum fulfilling the methodology criteria were subjected to preformatted study. Final diagnosis was made with clinical examination and ultrasound. All 50 cases were treated surgically. Most of the patients were in age group of 31-40 years (28%), common presenting feature being scrotal swelling in 60% of cases, majority of them were right sided(64%), most of them presented within a year of development of symptoms. Primary vaginal hydrocele was the commonest cystic swelling (60%), followed by epididymal cyst, sebaceous cyst, haematocoele, pyocoele. Most of the patients were discharged around 8th Post-operative day. All of the cystic swellings were treated surgically with good results. INTRODUCTION: Cystic swellings of the scrotum are a common problem encountered in surgery OPD. Cystic swellings of scrotum affect the physical well being of the patient and present with varied etiology. Since scrotum is placed outside the lower abdomen they are easily noticed by the patient himself and is also easily accessible for clinical examination by the treating doctor. This spectrum of disease consists of hydrocoele (commonest cause), epididymal cysts, spermatocoele, haematocoele, pyocoele, chylocoele, and sebaceous cysts. Cystic swellings of scrotum are usually painless and can attain a very big size without causing much discomfort to patient. Hydrocoele is an abnormal collection of serous fluid in some part of the processus vaginalis, usually the tunica1. It is divided into simple (scrotal) and communicating2. Secondary hydrocoele occur secondary to disease of the testes and epididymis and its management mainly consists of treatment of the underlying cause. Filarial hydrocoele and chylocoele account for
[1] J. Wightman,et al. Sclerotherapy for 'scrotal cysts' using tetracycline instillation. , 1991, Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
[2] J. Oesterling. Scrotal surgery: a reliable method for the prevention of postoperative hematoma and edema. , 1990, The Journal of urology.
[3] P. Lord. A bloodless operation for the radical cure of idiopathic hydrocele , 1964, The British journal of surgery.