Third order turboalternator electrical stability models with applications to subsynchronous resonance studies

This paper deals primarily with the application of standstill frequency response (SSFR) models to subsynchronous resonance (SSR) studies involving large turbogenerators. It has been already recognized that models derived from SSFR testing intrinsically define the so-called subsubtransient frequency domain as well as the transient and subtransient domains. The application of a variety of SSFR models has been described previously only for one machine. Another turbogenerator possessing markedly different damping characteristics is compared with the one referred to above. Comparisons are also made with an IEEE "Benchmark" model. Comments regarding the damping performance of each of these three machines in the SSR range are discussed as well as the effect of rotor and field on stator differential leakage fluxes. Proposals are made for consideration by the IEEE Power System Engineering and Electric Machinery Committees involved in benchmark SSR stability programs or in related generator modeling standards. >