Classical 1D 1H NMR spectra are prototypic for
NMR spectroscopy in that they represent a wealth
of chemical information encoded into convoluted
graphs or patterns that contain complex features
(aka multiplets), even for seemingly simple
molecules. Accordingly, the utility of NMR depends
on the theoretical and visual skills required to extract
all the physical parameters that represent usable
structural and quantitative information. Moreover, it
depends on the ability of the analyst to
communicate them effectively and reproducibly.
After decades of continuous development, NMR
spectroscopy has reached a stage where its
analytical capabilities have outgrown the typical
level of detail of interpretation, especially of 1D NMR
spectra. The quantum-mechanical (QM) foundation,
history, evolution, and (in-)consistency of widely
applied terminology calls for re-examination and
recalibration. In order to develop new perspectives
on solution-state NMR analysis, including the rapidly evolving quantitative NMR (qNMR), the
present study draws on the well-established NMR model systems and molecules (AB2C2,
strychnine, testosterone, α-santonin). Through well-documented key topics related to spectral
acquisition and analysis, the study builds the foundation for a modular, coherent, and
standardized nomenclature of NMR terminology. This is a necessary condition for a healthy
research data lifecycle including their management and reuse. This work presents experimental
evidence and connects with essential concepts of QM theory that clarify the distinct meaning of
the primary terms: resonance, signal, pattern, peak, line, transition; as well as other widely used
terms: splitting, multiplicity/multiplet, resolution, and dispersion. The proposed NMR terminology
was built through a consensus-finding process that evolved from extended pharmacopoeial and
research coordination efforts. It is supported by detailed figures and NMR data interpretation that
employs QM-based full spin analysis.