Just noticeable differences for glottal flow waveform characteristics.

This study was primarily motivated by the need to establish the correspondence between auditory abilities and laryngeal function. Just noticeable differences (JNDs) were obtained for the open quotient and speed quotient of the glottal flow waveform. The quotients were synthesized for both the glottal flow alone, and for the output pressure signal after the glottal flow signal was applied to the synthesis vocal tract for the vowel /a/. Six adult men and five adult women, all teachers of singing, participated as listeners. An adaptive auditory listening procedure was used to estimate JNDs for the four types of stimuli. The group average JND values were as follows. For the standard open quotient value of .6000, JND = 0.0264 (SD = .010) for the glottal flow and JND = 0.0344 (SD = .020) for the output pressure. For the open quotient, there was no statistically significant difference between genders or between the types of signals. For the standard speed quotient value of 2.000, JND = 0.154 (SD = .043) for the glottal flow and JND = 0.319 (SD = .167) for the output pressure. For the speed quotient, there was no statistically significant difference between genders, but the difference between types of stimulus (glottal flow versus output pressure) was significant (p < .006). The variance among the JND values was significantly larger for the output pressure stimuli compared to the glottal flow stimuli for both the open quotient and the speed quotient.