Post Disaster Management Using Delay Tolerant Network

Delay-tolerant Networking (DTN) is an attempt to extend the reach of traditional networking methods where nodes are intermittently connected and an end-to-end path from source to destination does not exist all the time. Real networks like military, various sensors, post disaster management, deep space communication, Vehicular ad-hoc (VANETs) networks, are some examples of DTN. Our work mainly concentrates on the applicability of different flooding based routing scheme of DTN in post disaster scenarios. Cluster mobility model which maps human mobility more realistically rather than any other mobility in the context of disaster scenario has been considered. Further we have customized cluster mobility model according to the disaster like scenario and performed the simulation for delivery probability with respect to various constraints like buffer-size, transmission range, speed and density of nodes in ONE SIMULATOR. We also analyze the effect heterogeneous nodes in delivery probability.