Análise da produção científica brasileira sobre intervenções de enfermagem com a família de pacientes - DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v27i2.1373

The illness of a family member usually affects the entire family group, producing disruption and appearance of necessities that demand attendance. This study aimed to identify and to analyze publications concerning interventions of nursing with family members of patients, more specifically interned in ICU. Bibliographical research carried out by manual search in Brazilian journals of nursing from 1994 to 2004. Of 14 studied articles, only three were related with family members of patients’ in ICU, the most of them were original papers or case report, focused on interventions with family members of hospitalized patients, and did not carry out evaluation of the intervention. Of all the carried out interventions, 50% were with groups and 50% with individual attendance of relatives. The results indicate the need of development of interventions studies involving relatives of patients in the perspective of family members and professionals, with evaluation of its efficacy


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