The question that this panel wishes to explore is: What are the future visualization trends and requirements for the oil and gas industry to efficiently handle and explore the ever-increasing volume and variety of available data?It has been proven many times that 3D visualization helps to reduce the risk in the search for, and development of, oil and gas resources and has been generally acknowledged to be an indispensable technology for the oil and gas industry. The role of the geoscientist is to combine his/her geological and geophysical expertise with the wide variety of data to find these natural resources and minimize the risk in the search for nature resources at the same time. The variety and size of the data makes the requirements unique in the visualization field: The data volumes that must be visualized range from a few megabytes to over 100 gigabytes. Multiple kinds of data and interpretation must be overlaid on the visualization. Multiple models of the subsurface are possible. Multiple specialized visualization software tools are available for the geoscientist to use.Combining the right visualization tools with the right data can reduce exploration risk and make the geoscientist a productive explorationist. This panel will explore the trends that are anticipated to meet the future needs of the Oil and Gas industry.