Intelligent techniques and applications in liver disorders: a survey

Liver disease is one of the leading causes of mortality in India, as it is in rest of the world. This paper presents a survey on intelligent techniques applied to liver disorders between the years January 1995 and January 2013. Individual ITs include artificial neural network (ANN), data mining (DM), fuzzy logic (FL) etc. Integrated ITs combine methods as artificial neural network-case-based reasoning (ANN-CBR), artificial immune system-artificial neural network-fuzzy logic (AIS-ANN-FL) etc. The different types of liver disorders covered in the study are hepatitis, liver fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, fatty liver, liver disorders data set, hepatitis data set and hepatobiliary disorders data set. The study identifies which ITs are applied for what types of liver disorders and on which types of disorders maximum works has been done. Another imperative fact emerging from this survey is that large part of the research work on liver disorders has been done from 2007 onwards.

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