Production of monospecific polyclonal antibodies against aster yellows mycoplasmalike organism-associated antigen
Proteins of mycoplasmalike organisms (MLO) associated with aster yellows were detected by Western blotting in partially purified preparations from aster yellows-infected plants. Polyclonal antiserum produced against aster yellows (AY) MLO recognized a 23-kDa protein in AY-infected plants that was not found in healthy controls. In addition, this antiserum recognized proteins common to AY-infected and healthy samples. Cross-absorption of the PA with healthy plant extracts did not completely eliminate the nonspecific antibodies. Antibodies specific for AY MLO-associated protein were purified from polyclonal antibodies by trapping them on AY MLO protein obtained by electrophoresis of infected plant extracts and transferred onto nitrocellulose [...]